Every action we take has an effect on the environment and our society. As citizens of the Earth, we can be accountable and mindful of how our behaviour shapes the planet. Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) is when a person decides to take ownership of their actions, to have a positive impact on society at large. When they commit to the betterment of society, they are socially responsible individuals; only then do they form a part of the ISR movement.

ISR is based on the honour code system. This movement is an internal shift in an individual’s way of thinking and lifestyle (rather than rules or policies), which will lead to a significant change in the world. It is about personal and individual actions and not about what other people are doing. ISR is being introspective and changing our own conduct.

Why is ISR Important?

The one way that we can tackle the irrevocable change happening to our society is by initiating small but impactful changes in our own lives. While governments and large companies might be doing their part, ISR is important as it will lead to a socially and environmentally just world with “equal rights, opportunity, and treatment” for all human beings.

To join the ISR Movement, pledge your commitment
to enact positive change through your own conduct

Why Environment?

One of the most relevant verticals to begin our ISR journey is the environment. Environmental degradation leads to climate change, air pollution, water pollution, food insecurity, detrimental health conditions and economic loss.

These effects have a lasting impact on the lives and livelihood of most humans.

By joining the ISR Movement, we can prevent the following ways
in which environmental degradation currently occurs.

Environmental degradation affects all aspects of human life
and biodiversity. Individuals can take action in their daily
lives to help protect the environment.