

Use less water for a sustainable future.

Water is an essential commodity in our daily lives, and yet there is plenty of water that we cannot use on account of water pollution. In fact, 80% of the water that enters our homes gets wasted and pollutes the oceans, rivers, lakes, and groundwater. In order to reduce this wastage and pollution of water, we must also use less water. 

Here are a few simple things we can change in our lifestyle to use less water: 

  • Reduce your shower time gradually by 1 minute every day to eventually have 5-minute showers. Here’s a pro-tip to help you with that. Play your favourite song/playlist that is the same number of minutes you want to shower for and end your shower when the song ends. 
  • Try to use a bucket and a mug to bathe once a week. An average shower releases 10 litres of water per minute while a bucket uses only 10 litres of water altogether. 
  • Turn the tap/shower off while washing hands, brushing teeth, and applying shampoo/soap.
  • Fix leakages at home immediately to save money and water.
  • Wear clothes one more time than usual before washing them
    • Try to wear nightwear at least twice before washing.
    • Synthetic fibres shed microplastics that pollute water bodies, so it is important to reduce their wear and tear. 

It is easy to take a few of these small steps to reduce your water consumption. Think about reducing water consumption by making one change at a time and succeed.

Matti, Mahreen. “India’s Water Crisis: The Clock Is Ticking.” Down To Earth, 21 June 2019.
“Microfiber Pollution: Our Clothes Pollute the Oceans.” Ocean Clean Wash, 10 Mar. 2021.