

Sustainable fashion for a sustainable environment.

Did you know that 10% of global emissions come from the fashion industry? 

Small, yet significant changes can be made in your lifestyle to reduce the impact of the industry on the environment, such as: 

  • Buy fewer clothes every year. 
    • If you buy one t-shirt, then you need to donate/upcycle one t-shirt at the minimum.
    • Before buying something new, ascertain if you can do without it and then take a conscious decision.
  • Bring all the clothes at the back of your wardrobe to the front and check how many items you have used in the past 2 months. You can donate, recycle, or upcycle all of the unused items. 
  • Buy local and artisanal brands only. 
    • Rent clothes for special one-time use events like weddings, work events, functions etc. 
    • You can also share clothes with your friends, especially for special events.
  • Buy natural fibres such as cotton, silk, wool, and linen instead of synthetic fibres like polyester, nylon, acrylic, and rayon that shred microplastics and lead to 35% of plastic pollution in the oceans. 

Even though we wear clothes every day, it is clear that we do not actually need a new item for every day of the month. In fact, far from it. By changing the way we think about clothes and the way we purchase clothes, we can have a positive impact on the environment while still being happy with what we wear. Shop sustainable fashion!

“Environmental Impacts.” SustainYourStyle.